toolani abroad

Is it possible to use toolani when I am travelling abroad?

There are two possibilities:

  1. If you have a local SIM-card, please register here for one of the countries that are offered.
  2. If you have a smartphone and access to a wifi connection, you can simply use our toovoip app.

With the toovoip app you can avoid high roaming costs abroad by using a (free) wifi connection for your calls. You don't need a new registration for it, you can simply use your existing toolani login data and therefore also use the credit you already bought. More information about the toovoip app can be found on

Is it possible to call my toolani dial-in numbers from abroad as well?

If you call the toolani dial-in numbers while being abroad, your provider will charge you high roaming costs. That is why we suggest to use our toovoip app instead.

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