toolani worldwide
In which countries can I use toolani?
toolani is available in different countries. You just need a local phone number to use toolani from these countries.
for example: If you go on vacation to Spain you can get a local Spanish phone number to register for toolani in Spain. That way you don't have to pay high roaming costs.
Where can I register with a local phone number for toolani?
toolani is available in the following countries:
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Brasil (just the app)
- Canada
- Chile
- Denmark (just the app)
- Germany
- Estonia (just the app)
- Finland (just the app)
- France
- Greece (just the app)
- Great Britain / England
- Ireland
- Israel (just the app)
- Italy
- Japan (just the app)
- Latvia (just the app)
- Lithuania (just the app)
- Luxembourg (just the app)
- Malaysia (just the app)
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- New Zealand (just the app)
- Norway (just the app)
- Peru
- Poland
- Puerto Rico (just the app)
- Romania (just the app)
- Sweden (just the app)
- Switzerland
- Slovakia (just the app)
- Slovenia (just the app)
- South Corea (just the app)
- Spain
- Czech Republic
- Hungary
You could also use toolani with your own mobile phone while being abroad by installing our app toovoip. More information about this app can be found here: