How to cancel?

How do I cancel my account?

Please send your cancellation by email through the contact form below this article. Please also tell us the reason for the cancellation, sometimes it is just a misunderstanding and your feedback can be very helpful to us. In case of problems or if you think toolani is not working for you, please also contact us first. We have a solution for 'almost' everything :-)

Reimbursement of credit: 

If you want to get back your money, please note that toolani bonus credit will be debited again. Refunds are also only possible within 90 days after your payment.   
To still use your remaining credit we have the following alternative suggestions for you: 

  • Use your credit a little later: since your balance does not expire, you can use it at any time in the future for making calls with toolani.
  • Send text messages: even if you don't need to make international calls any more, you can also send text messages through our website or apps.
  • Call to national contacts: if you have a smartphone and internet connection, you can install our app "toovoip" for making national calls within your home country. With toovoip you can make domestic calls or call from abroad, if you are on holiday (we suggest to use only wifi for calls from abroad to avoid roaming charges).

If you would still like to cancel your account, please contact our customer support through the form below.

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