How does toolani work?

How does toolani work?

You can use toolani for making cheap international calls with any phone (no matter if it is a smartphone or not).

Instead of the expensive international number, you call a toolani landline number within your country. This number will connect you with the wanted contact either on a landline or a mobile number. 

If you are for example in Great Britain and you call from a British number then you will receive British landline numbers for your contacts abroad from toolani. 
If you are in the USA, you will receive US landline numbers, in Australia you will get Australian landline numbers, in Germany you will get german landline numbers and so on.

With toolani you don't need to get an additional SIM card and no contract is required. No matter if you use a smartphone, a regular mobile phone or your landline: You will always call abraod with the cheapest toolani rates.

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