Failed direct debit payment

Whats happens if my direct debit payment fails?

When paying with direct debit, you allow us to charge/debit your bank account for the amount you selected to buy. In case of a failed debit (for example when your bank account has not sufficient funds) both your and our bank charge a fee for the so-called chargeback.

We do not charge any fees if you cancel your account and want a refund on your credit card or bank account.

How much are the fees / bank charges?

The fee may differ, but generally is about 11 Euro.

This is how it may be set up: 5 Euro from your own bank, 6 Euro from the bank of toolani - in total: 11 Euro plus, of course, the product that was bought in the first place. 
If, for example, you have topped up your account with 10 Euro and we cannot debit your account, then the total costs would be 21 Euro (top up + fee).

Please make sure that your bank account is sufficiently covered and that your data (IBAN) is correct.

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