I hear the message to enter a card number followed by the pound key

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I hear the message to enter a card number followed by the pound key

The above message indicates, that your own phone number is not yet registered, is not registered correctly or that you are calling from a private number. In each case, our system is unable to recognize your own phone number and we cannot connect your call. 

To make a successful call with toolani, your own phone number has to be correctly registered.

  • Please check that your phone number is already registered under "Phones"  in your personal member area.
  • Also make sure that your own phone number is being transmitted and visible (i.e. 'caller id' is enabled) when you make a call and your number is not listed as private.

If this information was not helpful, please contact our customer support and tell us your own phone number, the dialed toolani number as well as the date and time of your call attempt.

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